Monday, November 30, 2015

Ocean Zones

As a class we have been studying four ocean zones. On Wednesday students will be tested on these zones. Their job will be to put these zones in order: sunlight zone, twilight zone, dark zone, and abyss. For each zone they will need to write at least three facts about that specific zone. 

Here is a picture of the notes we took together in class after reading Exploring the Deep, Dark Sea by Gail Gibbons.

Students took notes in their science notebook along with me. They have been given the option of taking their notebooks home to help them study.

In addition to their own notes, here is a document I created in case their notes are a bit hard to read! Of course, this is only a few ideas to get them started.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

As part of our Jaguar Jumpstart Meeting on Monday, November 30 we will be highlighting the citizenship of the boy and girl scouts. Students are encouraged to wear their uniforms on Monday to school. 

If they are not a part of these groups, students are encouraged to wear their Thorson spirit wear or the color blue.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Jaguar Jumpstart

Monday, November 16 is our first all school meeting!
These Jaguar Jumpstart meetings will be taking place every Monday morning, first thing in the morning.

Remind your child to wear their Thorson Spirit Clothes or Blue!

Also, please try to make sure your child is here at school no later than 8:42 so we can promptly start our Jaguar Jumpstart!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Word Work

We are officially starting spelling words! Yes, we have been working with spelling all first quarter, but now we well be starting testing on specific words.

Each week students will be given 4 high frequency words to study for the week. In addition to these 4 words, your child will bring home a word sort sheet. On this sheet there will be different words that fit into categories or word families. Students will be working with these word sorts all week and then they will be tested on some of the words on Fridays. 

This week, our whole class has the same word sort. We are learning and practicing our routines with these words for the week. For some students, these words may seem too easy, others just right, and some a little difficult. For this week, that's okay because we are working through this sort as a group.

In the upcoming weeks, your child will be given words more appropriate for their spelling level. With this model, not all students will have the same words as their classmates. We are excited to get this new spelling program up and running! 

Thanks for your patience and understanding. Watch for more information next week.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Party Time

We are having a party!

Our class worked hard to earn all their marbles again and we did it!

On Monday, November 9th we will be having a pizza and movie party!! 

We are looking for any G rated movies that we could show for the party. Any that you can send would be much appreciated! DVD or VHS :)

Also, your child will still need to bring their own lunch or take hot lunch. Our pizza will be arriving around 2:00 and we will each have 1 slice.

Now we have to work towards earning 20 marbles!!