Saturday, May 20, 2017

On Wednesday we had meteorologist Lindsey Slater from WISN 12 come and talk to our second graders more about weather. We recorded a video that will be on TV for a school shout out. Here is the information from the news station on when to watch:
“We will air Thorson Monday, May  22. Please record all of WISN 12 News This Morn from 4:30 to 7. It usually airs around 5:25am and 6:25am.
Occasionally we move elements in the newscast-so, it's important to record the entire newscast.”

Hopefully you are able to see us!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Water Cycle

Today we had Riveredge come to teach us more about the water cycle. It was a lot of fun spending some time outside learning!